Friday, October 12, 2012

Flashback Friday {six}

Our first picture in color! These are two of my great great grandmothers, Jessie Head (on the left) and Minnie Rodgers (on the right).  Both of these ladies are my grandfather's grandmothers.

I don't know much about these women, but let's see how much can be gained from simply looking at a photograph.  Jessie was a cook that loved her snuff.  I lived in the South long enough to know when you have a coffee can hidden behind your leg on the porch, it's not for coffee grounds.  Since some of you might not "be fortunate enough" to know what snuff is, it's technically dipping tobacco.  It also cracks me up that she is hiding the snuff can behind her pink socks and sandals- what an ensemble!

I've seen enough pictures of Minnie to know she always wore her hair in an intricate braid bun.  This was the first picture with her crystal cat eye glasses, not sure they match the rest of her look, but I think they're adorable. 

It's funny how this picture shows two different personalities... Jessie seems to be indifferent, while Minnie looks quite joyful.  Regardless, it makes me want a front porch on a southern afternoon.

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